Hearing Health Journeys

“Really care and listen”
Pamela realized she had a hearing loss when spending time with her grandkids and watching TV.
She says of her hearing aids, “I still have a hard time fitting them in tight and still don’t hear everything said. I feel a little embarrassed that I say I thought they were going to be perfect and that I can’t do it as easily as others. It’s intimidating.”
Pamela’s favorite thing about working with Mass Hearing Specialists is “that you seem to really care and listen.”
Pamela Schauffele
“Don’t wait.”
When Walter Reedy noticed he may have a hearing loss, he wanted to ensure he found the right clinic for testing. He found the team at Mass Hearing Specialists to be “super courteous, efficient, and knowledgeable.”
To anyone concerned about their hearing and considering taking the first step with Mass Hearing Specialists, Walter says, “Don’t wait. It will not get better.”
Walter Reedy
“Do it. You will not regret it.”
Frank Pajari has had hearing aids for a few years now. Before visiting Mass Hearing Specialists, he was concerned about “how thorough and informative you would be, along with pricing, as I am a senior citizen.”
Frank recalls his first impression of Mass Hearing Specialists, “It was wonderful; I felt very relaxed.” What would he say to someone who is concerned about a hearing loss and considering seeking professional treatment? “Do it. You will not regret it.”
Frank shared that his favorite part of his experience was “getting to know Sherry and how knowledgeable she is and feeling so at ease talking with her. She helped us understand everything.”
Frank Pajari
"Highly Recommended"
Ronald Parse says that hearing aids and the services Mass Hearing Specialists have provided have definitely impacted his life in a positive way. He has recommended MHS several times.
Ronald shares that his favorite thing about working with Mass Hearing Specialists was “learning a great deal about hearing loss in the first twenty minutes.”
Ronald Parse
“A big impact on my life”
Robert Fitzgerald says that hearing aids and hearing care have made a “big impact on my life as well as my wife’s.”
He would encourage anyone considering taking their first step to better hearing with Mass Hearing Specialists to go.
Robert Fitzgerald
“Very nice people”
Lucille Vautour recalls she realized she may have a hearing challenge when “I wasn’t able to hear what people were saying to me.”
Her first impression of Mass Hearing Specialists was that they were “very nice people and well-mannered.”
Thanks to professional hearing care, Lucille “can understand what people are saying to me. Love it. I couldn’t believe how well I could understand what they were saying with my new hearing aid.”
Lucille Vautour
“They’re the best”
Daniel Abner noticed he may have a hearing challenge when he began having to ask people to repeat themselves. Daniel says he had “no real concerns” about seeking help. “Anything would be equal or better than what I was currently dealing with.”
“I knew when Brian answered the phone that he was the real deal,” Daniel says of his first impression with Mass Hearing Specialists. “I can hear conversation, both personal and media, more clearly. Go there, they’re the best.”
Daniel Abner
“It opens up a whole new world.”
About seven years ago, Sarina realized that she may have a hearing loss.
Upon visiting Mass Hearing Specialists, she thought the team was “very caring.” She adds, “I now know what’s being said around me, and I don’t have to ask, ‘What did you say?’”
To anyone else considering seeking care, Sarina advises, “Do it. It opens up a whole new world. You will not regret it.”
Sarina Cannistraro
“Go for your test”
Before visiting Mass Hearing Specialists, Paula thought that hearing aids would only “make things louder.”
Now, Paula has found “improved clarity, the TV is turned down, no more annoying folks by repeating ‘What?’ and I can understand all that I watch.”
To others in a similar situation, Paula advises, “Go for your test, learn about your type of hearing loss and how important clarity is. Know that they will not pressure you to buy.”
Paula Camara
“I’m more relaxed being with people.”
Mary Marino decided to seek out professional hearing care when she learned about the connection between hearing loss and Alzheimer’s. She was also struggling to hear children’s low voices or rapid speech.
Mary recalls “not answering a question correctly because I wasn’t getting every word or nuance.”
Now, she says, “I’m not asking ‘Can you say that again?’ so often. I’m more relaxed being with people.”
To anyone thinking about seeking hearing care, Mary says, “It’s a matter of staying connected and keeping your brain sharp and not embarrassing. It really helps you function in many different situations.”
Mary Marino
“Listened to my concerns”
When Jean realized she had a hearing loss, she recalls feeling “frustrated.” She adds, “My biggest concern was missing out on understanding and talking with my grandchildren.”
Jean was “concerned hearing aids would make me seem older.” Her first impression of Mass Hearing Specialists was that they were “friendly, patient, and listened to my concerns.”
Now, Jean is “able to understand conversations better. Also, when I have an issue with hearing aids, Mass Hearing Specialists addresses whatever issues I have.”
Her advice to others is, “Make the appointment. You will be pleased with Mass Hearing Specialists.”
Jean Danforth
“I would recommend”
Before Rosalie decided to seek out professional help, she was worried that she wouldn’t be able to hear better.
Rosalie is still in the process of getting her hearing aids right. Her favorite thing about Mass Hearing Specialists is “I feel you are on the same page as I am. I would recommend you.”
Rosalie Lazarus
“You won’t be disappointed.”
Donald Beauvais recalls, “My hearing loss was a June 2012 tire blowout…I was disappointed when I learned it was permanently damaged.”
“I was already using hearing aids; I switched based on convenience,” Donald says. Mass Hearing Specialists was “positive, friendly, and family-focused.”
He says that hearing aids have impacted his life in a very positive way. “When properly set up, you can become a more engaging individual.”
To anyone thinking about visiting Mass Hearing Specialists, he says, “Do it today! You won’t be disappointed.”
Donald Beauvais
“It’s great to hear again.”
Bruce Lashua remembers realizing he may have a hearing loss and facing concern that he may need hearing aids. “I knew I needed to see a specialist.”
His first impression of Mass Hearing Specialists was “It was nice, and you were very professional.”
Now, Bruce says, “It’s great to hear again.”
Bruce Lashua
“They treat you like family”
Donna realized she may be dealing with a hearing loss when she “couldn’t hear my grandchild crying.”
Before her appointment with Mass Hearing Specialists, she had “No worries. Had heard only positive things.”
Donna states that the Mass Hearing Specialists team was “very caring…conscious of my concerns…great patience in answering all my questions, both hearing wise and financial.”
Now, Donna says it’s great to hear again. She’s no longer missing parts of conversations. To anyone else wondering if they should make an appointment for hearing care, Donna says, “Don’t hesitate!!! You are hurting yourself and those around you.”
Donna’s favorite thing about Mass Hearing Specialists is “The people. They treat you like family and are not just there for the money. They are very caring and giving people. Rare to find people like that.”
Donna Elhashem
When asked about the time he realized he may have a hearing loss, Steven says, “It was when I heard a conversation between my mother and father: M: Nice day. F: What? M: Nice day. F: Yes, it is. M: What? F: Yes, it is. M: How’s Rob? F: What? M: How’s Rob? F: He’s getting better. M: What? And I realized that’s me and my wife.”
Steven had no concerns leading up to his appointment. He remembers that the Mass Hearing Specialists team was “calm, as if you knew what you were doing. Welcoming.”
Steven says, “I can go to a stage play again and understand what the actors are saying. I can hear birds and identify them. My wife and I conduct our conversations in half the time (see above example).”
Steven’s advice to others in a similar situation? “Do it tomorrow, not the day after.” He adds, “I like Brian and Sherry personally, in addition to what they do for my hearing.”
Steven Munden
“Immediately put me at ease”
Susan says, “My hearing loss was gradual over several years. I was reluctant to have my hearing tested. Frankly, I knew hearing aids were expensive.”
She recalls arriving for her appointment at the Mass Hearing Specialists office. “I was feeling anxious when I arrived for my initial appointment. Sherry immediately put me at ease. Each step of the hearing test was explained step by step so that I knew what to expect. I was impressed with her professional demeanor. She took her time with me. I appreciated her kind and professional manner while still being so patient with all of my questions.
“I am enjoying my new hearing aids. No more blaring the television. No more missing out on conversations around me. It is so nice not having to ask people conversing with me to repeat themselves,” Susan says.
Her advice to others? “I would not hesitate to schedule an appointment with this office. Trust me when I say better hearing starts with a thorough hearing exam. It’s so nice to feel like I am not just a number to be rushed in and out. It is so obvious to see that this office truly cares about my hearing, which in turn enhances my life!”
Susan Pelton
“Just do it.”
When Robert decided it was time to get help for hearing loss, he was concerned about “looking old.”
Now, Robert says he “couldn’t live without” his hearing aids.
“Just do it. You won’t regret it,” Robert advises others in a similar situation.
Robert Sniegoski
“The best I have had”
Ellyn Tervo had always had hearing issues and finally realized she needed help. She recalls that she “was wondering about the quality of care.”
Ellyn recalls her first impression of Mass Hearing Specialists was that the team was “attentive in listening and responding.”
“These hearing aids are the best I have had,” she says. “They will not try to oversell but meet your needs. They listen, care, and address your issue.”
Ellyn Tervo
“Take that first step – make an appointment.”
This patient recalls that they began noticing hearing loss “in my 70s – I did start wearing hearing aids then, but I started using Mass Hearing Specialists when my insurance company recommended them. I was just looking for a company that could offer me the best products, best support, and guidance.”
They were “very excited to find Mass Hearing Specialists. They have given me the hearing I need to function more easily and enjoy more of my life!”
To others considering treatment for hearing loss, they advise, “Take that first step – make an appointment. They will address the questions you have, give you a hearing test to see what frequencies you can and cannot hear, explain the results of the test, and advise the best way forward to improve your hearing. I never felt any pressure, just excitement at all I could hear again with the hearing aids they let me try.”
“They were wonderful.”
Donna Layton recalls, “I was 20 years old when I lost my hearing because a hearing bone was damaged during many surgeries. When I was first given a hearing aid, I was surprised at what I was hearing, due to all those years of not knowing what I was missing.”
Donna had no concerns before visiting Mass Hearing Specialists. “I was using hearing aids since I was 20, and I am now 77.”
She says of her experience, “They were wonderful; treated me with respect and listened to my concerns. I can finally hear when someone is speaking without asking them to repeat.”
Donna says to others needing hearing care, “Go for it, they were wonderful.”
Donna Layton