Most people see their primary care provider for their annual physical and their optometrist for their annual eye exam. However, it’s far less common for people to get their hearing checked regularly. Every day, we receive calls from individuals in the Shirley area who are experiencing symptoms of hearing loss that have begun to significantly impact their daily lives.
On average, individuals wait up to seven years after realizing that they may be experiencing a hearing loss before seeking professional help. Shocking, isn’t it? There are two common reasons why individuals avoid seeking treatment for hearing loss.
Common Reasons for Avoiding Hearing Loss Treatment
#1 – Concerned about the financial investment
Hearing care does require some financial investment. Don't let that scare you away from getting treatment –there are plenty of options to alleviate some of the financial burden. Insurance may cover some of the costs, and financing and payment plans may be available.
When you visit Mass Hearing Specialists for a hearing assessment, we will discuss the best options for your unique situation based on your needs, preferences, and budget. We would never want financial constraints to prevent you from getting the care you need. When you invest in hearing care, you’re investing in your overall quality of life.
#2 – The stigma around hearing aids
No one looks forward to being a hearing aid wearer. Hearing aids have a stigma of being clunky and obvious, but that’s just not the case any longer. Hearing aid technology has advanced rapidly over the years. Today, there are plenty of options available that sit in the ear canal and are nearly invisible to the naked eye. Hearing aids have become—dare we say—cool!
How Professional Hearing Care Can Help You
Professional hearing care is transformational – no matter the level of hearing loss you’re dealing with. Left untreated, hearing loss can be detrimental to your physical and mental health.
Don’t miss out on better hearing and quality of life due to stigmas that aren’t as prevalent nowadays. We hear from so many patients who visit us for treatment that their biggest regret is not seeking help sooner. People who come into our office nervous and skeptical often leave feeling confident and reassured that they’ve made the right decision for their health.
Professional Hearing Care in Shirley, Massachusetts
If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of hearing loss, don’t delay seeking help.
Without proper treatment, your hearing loss can only get worse. And remember – once your hearing is gone, it doesn’t come back.
If you’re ready to take the next step toward better hearing health, give our office a call at (226) 774-2133.
We are available Monday – Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We would love to see you in person, so feel free to stop by our office at 2 Shaker Rd., Ste B100, Shirley, MA.
We look forward to being your trusted partner on your hearing health journey!